Brennan Christopher , MUSICOPOEMATOGRAPHOSCOPE (Sydney:  Hale & Iremonger, 1981).
Brennan Christopher , MUSICOPOEMATOGRAPHOSCOPE (Sydney:  Hale & Iremonger, 1981).
Christopher Brennan
Sydney: Hale & Iremonger, 1981
370 x 265 mm, pp.
Offset, Hardcover

The two works by Christopher Brennan reproduced here in manuscript facsimile have never previously been published. They represent a unique flowering of European avant-garde art in colonial Australia. In them Brennan, following the example of his favorite poet Stéphane Mallarmé, attempted a synthesis of the arts, especially poetry, music and graphic design. At the same time they are gestures of defiance to his friends, critics and the unimpressed Australian public who wanted poetry to be more “Australian.” The “musico- poematographoscopes” are fine examples of Brennan's wit and ingenuity and of his exquisite handwriting. They are a charming puzzle to the mind and a pleasure to the eye.


blurb by the publisher