Poème : “Au Tatoueur”
Graham Rodney, Poème : “Au Tatoueur”  (Brussels: GEVEART ÉDITIONS, 2011).
Graham Rodney, Poème : “Au Tatoueur”  (Brussels: GEVEART ÉDITIONS, 2011).
Graham Rodney, Poème : “Au Tatoueur”  (Brussels: GEVEART ÉDITIONS, 2011).
Rodney Graham
Poème : “Au Tatoueur”
Brussels: GEVEART ÉDITIONS, 2011
320 x 250 mm, pp.
ed. 250 copies

The poem "Au Tatoueur," is a french version of the poem "To the Tattooist" written and designed by Rodney Graham using Didot typeface. The poem addresses tattoo artists and describes a proposed tattoo depicting Popeye battling a giant squid. The layout of the poem is inspired by Mallarmé's typographic innovations in "Un coup de dés jamais n'abolira le hasard."