un coup de dés jamais n'aabolira le hasard - la forme du mystère
Marine Hugonnier, Christian Rattermeyer, Martin Herbert ed. Florence Derieux and Jacob Fabricius and Hilke Wagner
un coup de dés jamais n'aabolira le hasard - la forme du mystère
Geneva: JRP|Editions, 2010
286 x 237 mm, 160 pp.
Offset, Softcover
un coup de dés jamais n'aabolira le hasard - la forme du mystère
Geneva: JRP|Editions, 2010
286 x 237 mm, 160 pp.
Offset, Softcover
This monographice catalogue about the work of Marine Hugonnier depicts her "un coup de dés jamais n'aabolira le hasard - la forme du mystère"
Odillon Redon's bedside book has been stolen and its pages has been folded to extend the space and the time of the poem's interstices, taking his dreams to a deeper sleep. The exhibition of this work should be composed of a white space with an open window,a spider, and a man dressed in a tuxedo who would change each of the eleven frames on the hour, leaving the room empty on the 12th hour. This work forms part of the "Bedside Book Project"."