The Work of Art in the Age of Its Digital Reproducibility #TwitterVersion
Pichler Michalis, The Work of Art in the Age of Its Digital Reproducibility #TwitterVersion (Berlin: ”greatest hits”, Mexico City: gato negro, 2019).
Pichler Michalis, The Work of Art in the Age of Its Digital Reproducibility #TwitterVersion (Berlin: ”greatest hits”, Mexico City: gato negro, 2019).
Michalis Pichler
The Work of Art in the Age of Its Digital Reproducibility #TwitterVersion
Berlin: ”greatest hits”, Mexico City: gato negro, 2019
70 x 100 mm, pp.
Risography, perfect binding

For "The Work of Art in the Age of Its Digital Reproducibility", Walter Benjamin´s "The Work of Art in the Age of Its Mechanical Reproducibility" has been thoroughly plagiarized, and updated in a modular way, in order to fit the post-digital condition. Throughout the essay, a list of words have been replaced. Other than that, no additions.

In the Twitter Version, every chapter is shortened to snippets of maximum 280 characters. The #hashtags function as chapter headers.

8,00 €