Pirate Box
Brooklyn: La Bibliothèque Fantastique, 2012
220x160, pp.
Inkjet, stapled
available for download on http://labibliothequefantas.free.fr/index.php?/pirate/
"La Bibliothèque Fantastique is an artist’s books virtual publisher. Our books are free and downloadable from the internet so that you can print them at home. Most of our books are exclusive productions. The others are reeditions of works who are free of any kind of rights. The purpose of LBF is to offer a view on books expressed by books themselves. Its works are made of excerpts of other works, with pages, sentences and words met in a stroke of good fortune."
La Bibliothèque Fantastique
This box is composed of 18 unauthorized copies of well-known artists’ books made by Lawrence Weiner, Marcel Broodthaers, Roland Topor, Sol LeWitt, Claude Closky, Michael Clegg, Hanne Darboven, Eric Watier, and Martin Guttman.
Unlike most of the books included in the box, Broodthaers´UN COUP DE DÉS is actually not reproduced in facsimile, but was apparently re-engineered for this bootleg series.
Most of the titles reproduced in the Pirate box are not free of copyright. Next to their the download links, the publisher added the fowwowing statement:
"The goal of this collection is to present hard to find artists books to make them accessible to everyone. If you own the copyrights please contact us, and we will take them off."