PUBLICATION AS PRACTICE A short course on concepts of artists’ publications Wednesday 9th June 2010, 7pm – 8.30pm
# 10: APPROPRIATION with guest speaker Michalis Pichler It appears to me, that the signature of the author, be it an artist, cineast or poet, seems to be the beginning of the system of lies, that all poets, all artists try to establish, to defend themselves, I do not know exactly against what. M.B.
Related material Theory & Practice: Statements on Appropriation Practice & Theory (‘high’ culture): Der Einzige und sein Eigentum Practice (‘low’ culture): street reading Michalis will put together a wall of bookworks that explicitly paraphrase or ‘steal’ from other books including Fiona Banner, Derek Beaulieu, Christian Boltanski, Ulises Carrión, Craig Dworkin, Cerith Wyn Evans, Jacob Fabricius (Ed.), General Idea, Kenneth Goldsmith, David Jourdan, Martin Kippenberger, Hugh Mendes, Simon Morris, Michalis Pichler, Peter Piller, Simon Popper, Bern Porter, Richard Prince, John Stezaker, Elaine Sturtevant, Nick Thurston, Andy Warhol, Eva Weinmayr.
PUBLICATION AS PRACTICE # 1: THE ARCHIVE. Guest speaker James Hoff Next Talk:
X marks the Bökship/ Donlon Books
PUBLICATION AS PRACTICE # 10: APPROPRIATION with guest speaker Michalis Pichler