
  • Bibliothèque l’Alcazar, Marseille 

La fréquentation de l’exposition est limitée par la jauge d’accueil de la bibliothèque dans le respect des consignes sanitaires en vigueur.

Artist self-publishers’ Fair -The Sixth
Sunday 27th September, from 2 till 7pm 100+ artists: live 2-way streams of interviews, guest, music, readings, films, launches & performances with artists in their own front rooms and studios from around the world.

Publishing as Artistic Practice: In Conversation With Michalis Pichler

By: Victoria Hindley

The MIT Press Reader

The founding co-organizer of Miss Read and editor of "Publishing Manifestos" surveys the vibrant landscape of art book publishing.

FLAT 2019, Frabcesca Valentini, Max Schumann, Ken Soehner

FLAT: Fiera Libro Arte Torino

an international event dedicated to contemporary art publications.


15.00 | 16.00


Vienna Art Book Fair 2019, © - Joanna Pianka

Vienna Art Book Fair #1

04—06 October 2019
Applied Arts Vienna
Vordere Zollamtsstraße 7
1030 Vienna
Free Entry

NY Art Book Fair 2019, MoMA PS1

September 20–22, 2019
Opening Night: September 19

22-25 Jackson Avenue
Long Island City, NY 11101

B, 20th Century Art Archives Abbas Zahedi Agata Madejska  Alaa Abu Asad & Ulufer Çelik  Anastasia Pavlou  Anna-Sophie Springer & Etienne Turpin  Belmacz  Black Pages  Camilla Løw  Caragh Thuring  Carla Åhlander  Charlott Weise & Franziska Schulz  Claudia Kugler  Coco Crampton  Daniel Ferstl  David Tremlett  Diagonal Press  Elisabeth Molin  Emma McCormick-Goodhart  Fehras Publishing Practices  Georgia Sowerby  Gernot Wieland Gregorio Magnani Guilherme Dable Hanna Mattes Hansjörg Meyer Joel Tomlin Johanna...


11.09 - 30.09.19

Private View: Tuesday 10.09.19, 6 - 8pm


Belmacz is pleased to present an exhibition dedicated to artist publications. With:

20th Century Art Archives
Abbas Zahedi
Agata Madejska 
Alaa Abu Asad & Ulufer Çelik 
Anastasia Pavlou 
Anna-Sophie Springer & Etienne Turpin 
Black Pages 
Camilla Løw 
Caragh Thuring 
Carla Åhlander 
Charlott Weise & Franziska Schulz 
Claudia Kugler 
Coco Crampton 
Daniel Ferstl 
David Tremlett 
Diagonal Press 
Elisabeth Molin 
Emma McCormick-Goodhart 
Fehras Publishing Practices 
Georgia Sowerby 
Gernot Wieland
Gregorio Magnani
Guilherme Dable
Hanna Mattes
Hansjörg Meyer
Joel Tomlin
Johanna Magdalena Guggenberger
KOSA & Marius Engh
Liam Tickner
Lina Viste Grønli
Long Distance Press
Marco Bruzzone
Michalis Pichler
Michela de Mattei
Mikael Brkic
Morten Skrøder Lund
Nicole Wermers
Null Zero
Oskar Korsár
Paul Housley
Paul Kindersley
Philipp Fleischmann 
Postcard Teas
Ricardo de Carli
Rowena Hughes
Salvatore Viviano
Sam Austen
Samuel Stokes
Simon Popper
Slavs & Tatars
Sophie Nys
Steph Huang
Telfer Stokes
The Everyday Press
Tim Berresheim

Athens Art Book Fair 2019, recto

Athens Art Book Fair 
September 7-8 2019
Stoa Kairi, Monastiraki 


A) GLIMPSE) OF) (Athens)

AGRA Publications (Athens)

Astheneia (Athens)

Eleanor Brown, Whitechapel Gallery

Eleanor Vonne Brown delivers a lecture penned by Michalis Pichler, artist, editor and founder of MISS READ: Berlin Art Book Fair about his new anthology Publishing Manifestos (MIT Press), featuring artists, authors, editors, publishers, designers, zinesters exploring publishing as artistic practice.

Publishing Manifestos, Michalis Pichler (ed.), Miss Read/MIT Press 2019

»Publishing Manifestos« features key texts of critical engagement with publishing from protagonists of the field.

It will be launched in the context of Conceptual Poetics Day Saturday, May 4th, 2019 at 3pm. Over the weekend, the book will be available at Miss Read: The Berlin Art Book Festival.

Natalie Czech, A negative calligramme by Julien Bismuth (Jalousie), 2018

Saturday, May 4, 2019, noon – 7 pm

Miss Read Stage 
Haus der Kulturen der Welt
John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10
10557 Berlin
View Map


12:15 Alice Cannava 
How to sell a contradiction (Occulto)