#Riafeniz, a fair introducing experimental formats for publishing and distribution:
April - December 2016
May 11-22 2016 exhibitors:
Michalis Pichler (Berlin)
The Everyday Press (London)
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite (Berlin)
Michalis Pichler untitled (butterflies)
Independent Publishing Fair
Leipzig, 19th of March, 2016
Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst ,Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig
Wächterstr. 11;04107 Leipzig, Germany
12 AM – 9 PM
Admission is free.
Michalis Pichler - Seth Siegelaub, Amsterdam 2012, 2012
Michael Dreyer - Kind, eine Spieluhr zerstörend, 2016
MONOS/UИD is Opcion´s debut album under this moniker, released by GOD Records, the austrian vinyl-label for contemporary music.
MONOS (Side A) offers three solo works of heavily processed dark ambience and swelling noises, accompanied by harsh stammering beats.
On each track of UИD (Side B) Opcion joins forces with one of the guest instrumentalists Maja Osojnik (Paetzold Bass Recorder), Bernhard Loibner (E-Bass) and Kurt
Bauer (Violin), to create three works based on ruptured improvisational recordings which were later edited to become fully constructed pieces.
Intellectual Property, Copyright, Artists is an essay collection recently published by NEUE RUNDSCHAU
Table of contents below.
Urheberrecht, Copyright, Künstler
Christopher Blenkinsop YouTube, Spotify & Co. fur Einsteiger 7
Jakob Ilja Schriftliches Interview des Gitarristen und Gründungsmitglieds von ≫Element of Crime≪ mit Schülern aus Berlin / September 2015 10
Benoît Machuel Das Streamen von Musik 15
Kent And I say to myself ≫What a wonderful world!≪ 21
Artphilein on Display: Visual Poetry – Stéphane Mallarmé
with: Jérémie Bennequin, Klaus Detjen, Stéphane Mallarmé, Michalis Pichler, Odilon Redon and Claude Rouelt.
November 3-28 2015
Artphilein Editions
via F. Pelli 13
6901 Lugano
Proyecto para un texto / Project for a Text
Cosmopoética 2015, Córdoba, Spain
Sala Galatea, casa Góngora, 2/10 – 15/11 2015
John Baldessari
Marcel Broodthaers
Chris Burden
Jan Dibbets
Dénes Farkas
Ian Hamilton Finlay
Rogelio López Cuenca
Michalis Pichler
Rafael Quintero
curated by: Óscar Fernández López
Print is not dead, it just looks canny. So what?
Join us for the inaugural FOOKBAIR at Frankfurt's matchless Städelschule Sat Oct 17th. Twelve+ hours to celebrate the resurrection of the book and its analog orphans.
Re: Follow-ed (after Hokusai)
28 septembre / 3 décembre 2015
CABINET DU LIVRE D’ARTISTE. Campus Villejean, Université Rennes 2 - Bât. Érève, place du recteur Henri Le Moal, 35000 Rennes
with: David Abbott . Jesse Alexander . Anonymous . Edgar Arceneaux . Artist Book Cooperative . Frans Baake . Steen Bach Christensen . Lucy Badrocke . Luke Batten & Jonathan Sadler . Victoria Bianchetti . Guy Bigland . Doro Boehme & Eric Baskauskas . Jeffrey Brouws . Stephen Bush . Patrice Caillet . Corinne Carlson, Karen Henderson & Marla Hlady . Julie Caves . Pauline Cazorla . Lin Charlston . Tom Clark . Lenka Clayton . Claude Closky . Dan Colen . Julie Cook . Bill Daniel . Adam & Kate Davis . Claudia de la Torre . Jen Denike . Eric Doeringer . Sue Doggett . Lee Duegyoung . John Dunning . Daniel Eatock . Jeff Eaton . Francis Elliott . Carl Johan Erikson . Tony Eve . Hans-Peter Feldmann . Frank Eye . Joel Fisher . Stephen Fowler . Jan Freuchen . Thomas Galler . Anne-Valérie Gasc . Steve Giasson . Simryn Gill . Kate Glicksberg & Piotr Orlov . Dejan Habicht . Sebastian Hackenschmidt & Stefan Oláh . Hackleys Press . Marcia Hafif . Jan Henderikse . Mishka Henner .Taro Hirano . Hiroshige . Katsushika Hokusai . David Horvitz . Dominik Hruza . Fred Hüning . Sveinn Fannar Jóhannsson . Easley Stephen Jones . Rinata Kajumova & Achim Riechers . Hildegard Karnath . Tony Kemplen . Aaron Krach . Gandha Key . Sowon Kwon . Paul Laidler . Tanja Lazetic . Jonathan Lewis . Lorena Lohr . Silvio Lorusso & Sebastian Schmieg . Louloulovesbooks . Helena Louro . Victoria Lucas . Maria Lusitano, Teresa Paiva & Paula Roush . Jochen Manz . Michael Maranda . Scott McCarney . John McDowall . Ryan McGinley . Jerry McMillan . miss read . Dan Monick . Jonathan Monk . Simon Morris . Angel Morua . Dan Murphy. Toby Mussman . Heidi Neilson . John O’Brian . Paul Paper . Sumi Perera . Performance Re-enactment Society & Tom Sowden . Peterbill . Michalis Pichler . Adrian Piper . Tadej Pogacar . Susan Porteous . Henri Rivière . Sy Rubin & Larry Siegel . Allen Ruppersberg . Edward Ruscha . David John Russ . Tom Sachs . Ari Salomon . Jeremy Sanders . Joachim Schmid . Jean-Frédéric Schnyder . David Schoerner . Ben Scragg .Yann Sérandour . Travis Shaffer . Simon & Simon . Matthew Sleeth . Denise Sowden . Tom Sowden . Gary Starks . John Steed . EF Stevens . Derek Sullivan . Yoshikazu Suzuki . Eric Tabuchi . Kazuhide Takada . Elisabeth Tonnard . Erik Van der Weijde . Louisa Van Leer . Sam Venables . John Waters . Mark Wyse . ed. Akihiro Yamaguchi . Hermann Zschiegner, and some more.
Printed Matter presents the tenth annual NY Art Book Fair, from September 18 to 20, 2015, at MoMA PS1, Long Island City, Queens. A preview will be held on the evening of Thursday, September 17. The table by Michalis Pichler will be C11, located on the ground floor.
Free and open to the public, the NY Art Book Fair will present artists’ books, catalogs, monographs, periodicals, and zines.
This year, the fair features over 370 booksellers, antiquarians, artists, institutions and independent publishers from twenty-eight countries.
OPENING: FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 7 PM Bielefelder Kunstverein / Welle 61 / D-33602 Bielefeld / Tel. +49-521-178806 / kontakt With works by: Ann Cotten, Natalie Czech, Kenneth Goldsmith & John Ashbery, Eugen Gomringer, James Hoff, Karl Holmqvist, Sophia Le Fraga, Tan Lin, Hanne Lippard, Nils Menrad, Michalis Pichler, Cia RinneEUGEN GOMRINGER &
AUGUST 29 – OCTOBER 25, 2015