

Three Letter Words Launch and Fair
Rochelle School & Club Row
Arnold Circus, Shoreditch
London, E2 7ES
Saturday 22 November 2014
Fair open: 11 a.m. – 6.30 p.m.
Performance by Anat Ben-David at 7.15 p.m.

over 50 artist-publishers including: Akerman Daly, AND, Arcadia Missa, Art Licks, Arty and Garageland, Banner Repeater, Behind the X, The Block, Book Works, Claire de Rouen Books, Clod Magazine, The Coelacanth Press, Copy Press, coveredintoner, Dent De Leone, E.R.O.S., The Everyday Press, Exitstencil Press, Four Corners, Fourteen-Nineteen, Gnommero, The Grantchester Free Press, Grey Tiger Books, Hard Mag, Hato, Kate Morell, LemonMelon, Mark Pawson/ Disinfotainment, Michalis Pichler, Mono Kultur, Monster Emporium Press, New Documents, Novel, Occasional Papers, OOMK, PICPUS, Ridinghouse, Sara MacKillop, Schizm, Sender Brocken, Spector, Test Centre, TG/Beck books, thingsthatfall/Joe Scanlan, T-R-E-M-O-R-S, Unrealised Projects, Vargas Organisation, X Marks the Bökship, zeitschrift.



555 SCHNAPSPRESSE SONNETS, FOLDED, STAPLED AND SOLD IN CHUNKS OF 5 is a variation of a SONNET written by Rossetti in 1871, re-written by Carrión in 1972 and subsequently re-written by Pichler since 2009. 
It is exploring the materiality of language, how books travel into the world, and how a fragmented printrun can still constitute an organic piece.
It is awkward to read, and the awkwardness certainly is half of its charme. Due to their rotated binding and blurring through the pages, they also look like Rorschach-drawings.
in front of Table Michalis Pichler: A51, in the tent, moma PS1

Printed Matter, Inc. presents
September 26–28, 2014  
Preview: Thursday, September 25, 6-9pm  


Gordon Matta-Clark, Window Blowout, NY 1976, instantly censored by P. Eisenman

September 13th - December 14th 2014

Nassauischer Kunstverein NKV
Wilhelm Str. 15
65185 Wiesbaden / Germany


Silva Agostini / Marc Bijl / Selket Chlupka / Larissa Fassler / Amir Fattal / Kerstin Honeit / Eva Kietzmann & Petra Kübert / Stephanie Kloss / Kunst-Koffer / Alicja Kwade / Via Lewandowsky / Gordon Matta-Clark / Dominikus Müller & Kito Nedo / Manfred Peckl / Michalis Pichler / Tim Plamper / Verena Resch / Adam Saks / Salah Saouli / Andreas Schlaegel / Nina von Seckendorff / Daniel Segerberg / Marcus Sendlinger / Philip Topolovac / Fabrizia Vanetta / Adriana Vignoli / Annette Weisser / Sinta Werner / Martin Zawadzki

Artist’s book rules libri a regola d’artista

Palazzo Collicola Arti Visive
piazza Collicola 1, Spoleto (PG)
June 28 - July 13  2014

opening in Saturday June 28 2014 at 4pm

curated by Emanuele De Donno and Giorgio Maffei

artists/books: Stéphane Mallarmé, Alighiero Boetti, Maurizio Nannucci, Bernd & Hilla Becher, Allan Kaprow, Sol LeWitt, Bruno Munari, Ed Ruscha,Gordon Matta-Clark, Lawrence Wiener, Jonas Mekas, Roman Opalka, Richard Prince, John Cage, Hans Peter Feldmann, Richard Hamilton, Gilbert&George, Joseph Beuys, Jonathan Monk, Raqs Media Collective, Giulio Paolini, Julia Born, Giuseppe Penone, Claes Oldenburg, Vincenzo Agnetti, Hans-Peter Feldamann, Doug Aitken, Francis Alys, Waltercio Caldas, Paul McCarthy, Seth Price, Peter Downsbrough, Fiona Banner, Daniel Spoerri, Peter Piller, Gilbert&George, Henrik Hakansson, Roni Horn, Olaf Nicolai, Urs Luthi, Armin Linke, Wolfgang Tillmans, Ibon Aranberri, Superflex, A Constructed World, Darren Bader, Umberto Raponi, Michalis Pichler, Stephen Willats, Claudio Costa, Merce Cunningham, Aleksandra Mir, Giuseppe Chiari, Lothar Baumgarten, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Julian Opie, Nico Dockx, Richard Hamilton, Simon Denny, Max Malandrino, Rodney Graham, Eugenio Miccini, Mieko Shiomi, Anne & Patrick Poirier, Gianni Bertini, Mario Merz, Franco Vaccari, Nanni Balestrini, Gino De Dominicis, Emilio Isgrò, Emilio Villa, Mario Diacono, Concetto Pozzati, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Claudio Parmiggiani, Luigi Mainolfi, Ettore Spalletti, Jérémie Bennequin, Jeffrey Brouws, Wesley Willis, Yann Sérandour, Giulia Filippi/Aldo Grazzi, Francine Zubeil, Roni Horn, John Stezaker.

Airplanes & sky #25, Michalis Pichler, 2005, collection of John Stezaker


Exhibition continues: 20th June - 5th July

205 Royal College Street, NW1 0SG RSVP:

Ryan Gander, A Phantom of Appropriation, 2006. Courtesy the artist.


This exhibition brings together a wide selection of paintings, sculptures, installation art, and works on paper that explore the ways we read, see, hear, and process language.

For generations, artists and writers have referenced or appropriated existing texts in their work, using the language of others as the basis for original expressions of their own. By recontextualizing their sources, these new creations offer fresh ways of understanding the original texts, often dramatically altering their meaning. Although working with preexisting material might be considered limiting, this presentation reveals that such repurposing and adaptation can generate remarkably varied works of art.

As the first exhibition to examine Conceptual writing, a cross-disciplinary field focused on recontextualized and repurposed language, Postscript investigates the roots of a parallel movement in art from the 1960s and 1970s and presents contemporary examples of text-based art practices. Many of the works on view borrow self-consciously from Conceptual art of the 1960s, taking an approach that is less about self-expression and more about selection and arrangement. The inclusion of publications by noted conceptual artists Carl Andre, Marcel Broodthaers, Dan Graham, Sol LeWitt, and Andy Warhol alongside contemporary works of art highlights these connections. Ultimately, Postscript demonstrates how work created across decades and artistic disciplines can be derived from the same idea, yet produce wildly different results. 

Artists and writers featured in the exhibition include: Mark Amerika & Chad Mossholder, Carl Andre, Fiona Banner, Erica Baum, Derek Beaulieu, Caroline Bergvall, Jen Bervin, Jimbo Blachly & Lytle Shaw, Christian Bök, Marcel Broodthaers, Pavel Büchler, Luis Camnitzer, Ricardo Cuevas, Tim Davis & Robert Fitterman, Mónica de la Torre, Craig Dworkin, Tim Etchells, Ryan Gander, Michelle Gay, Kenneth Goldsmith, Dan Graham, Alexandra Grant, James Hoff, Seth Kim-Cohen, Sol LeWitt, Glenn Ligon, Tan Lin, Gareth Long, Michael Maranda, Helen Mirra, Jonathan Monk, Simon Morris, João Onofre, Michalis Pichler, Paolo Piscitelli, Vanessa Place, Kristina Lee Podesva, Seth Price, Kay Rosen, Joe Scanlan, Dexter Sinister, Frances Stark, Joel Swanson, Nick Thurston, Triple Canopy, Andy Warhol, Darren Wershler, and Eric Zboya.


« Remake, le livre et la céramique en question » at Musée de Mariemont, 25/10/20

« Remake, le livre et la céramique en question »

Musée royal de Mariemont

Chaussée de Mariemont, 100
7140 Morlanwelz

Tel. : +32(0)64 21 21 93
Fax : +32(0)64 26 29 24


Every day except Mondays, unless they fall on Bank holidays.
From October to March from 10.00 to 17.00.
From April to September from 10.00 to 18.00.
Closed on 1/1 and 25/12.

October 25th 2013 - February 2nd 2014 


The exhibition, initiated by L’atelier du livre de Mariemont, will set a dialogue between contemporary artist’s books and ceramics with ancient works of art from the Precious Library and from the museum’s decorative arts’ section. Curators of the exhibition : Nadia Corazzini, Marie-Blanche Delattre, Sofiane Laghouati, Anne-Françoise Rasseaux, Ludovic Recchia

 Different kinds of appropriation will be illustrated, spectacular or discreet, humoristic or serious, all challenging. Amongst them:

-          for the ceramics section : Nicolas Bovesse, Cathy Coëz, Johan Creten, Christian Gonzenbach, Lucile Soufflet

-          for the book section : Jérémie Bennequin, Jürgen Bey & Hella Jongerius, Christian Boltanski, Marcel Broodthaers,  Guillaume Constantin, Eva Evrard, Claire Morel, Michalis Pichler, Edward Ruscha, Yann Sérandour, Laurent Sfar, Bernard Villers, … as well as the contributors  of L’ Atelier du Livre.

Remake, as in the movies

TEN OHP SONNETS, Michalis Pichler, PrintRoom, 2013

On Sunday, November 3rd from 3-5pm we invite you to join us for the opening of SONNET(S) & OTHER SONNET(S) and a reading afternoon with contributions by Louis Lüthi and Jan de Rook.

November 21 - December 28, 2014

Le Commun,
28 rue des Bains
1205 Geneva

Claude Closky, Ski

Exhibition at FRAC Haute-Normandie
January 25 - April 20 2014

vernissage: January 24, 6.30pm


The exhibition, devoted to Bibliology—a term defining the "science of books"—pays tribute to artists' editions and books, which have had an important place in the Frac Haute-Normandie's collection right from the outset.

Produced by artists for whom a book is a form of creation and dissemination consistent with their artistic intent, artists' books are fully fledged art, albeit using contemporary publishing techniques.

Michalis Pichler


1.    Conceptual painers are mystics rather than rationalists. They leap to conclusions that logic cannot reach.
2.    Rational judgements repeat rational judgements.
3.    Irrational judgements lead to new experience.
4.    Formal pain is essentially rational.
5.    Irrational thoughts should be followed absolutely and logically.
6.    If the painer changes his/her mind midway through the execution of the piece he/she compromises the result and repeats past results.
7.    The painer's will is secondary to the process he/she initiates from idea to completion. His/Her wilfulness may only be ego.
8.    When words such as sadism and masochism are used, they connote a whole tradition and imply a consequent acceptance of this tradition, thus placing limitations on the painer who would be reluctant to make pain that goes beyond the limitations.